What is CustomAnvils about?
CustomAnvils is a very basic free spigot plugin that allows you to customize how anvils behave on your server, providing features such as coloring item names, limiting xp level requirements of the anvil to a fixed amount or safely using the so called unsafe enchantment levels of Minecraft. In this guide, you will learn how to install, use and configure the plugin so it fits your server needs.
Installing CustomAnvils couldn't be easier, just download the plugin from any official source and drop it into your plugins folder as you would do with any other plugin, once the server starts, CustomAnvils will generate all the files that it needs to function, this files will be located under the "CustomAnvils" folder of your plugins directory.
CustomAnvils does nothing after being installed!
Exactly, that is the point! You need to configure it, CustomAnvils has all of its features disabled by default so you don't add anything unintentionally to your server. However, enabling features is very easy and the plugin can be fully configured in less than a minute if you only want a simple configuration. Read all of the features to learn how to configure them individually.
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